
Table of contents


File that stores appended headerless PSX (VAG) audio files.

Can decode using vgmstream and a txth to state the audio file settings.

Create a file called .TXTH with the following in it:

codec = PSX
sample_rate = 16000
channels = 1
num_samples = data_size


PHD files are effectively the header files for BD’s and have 4 sections… Head, Prog, Smpl and Vagi.

struct HEADHeader{
    uint    FileID;
    uint    SizeOfHead;
    uint    Unk;
    uint    SizeOfPHD;
    uint    SizeOfBD;
    uint    ProgPTR
    uint    SmplPTR
    uint    VagiPTR

Could be that Unk is saying theres 3 sections after Head… that being Prog, Smpl, and Vagi.


struct VAGIHeader{
    uint    FileID;
    uint    SizeOfVagi;
    uint    NumOfFiles;
    uint    TERM;

TERM seems to just terminate with FF FF FF FF

Followed by each file reference.

struct VAGIFileRef{
    uint    Offset;
    uint    Size;
    uint    NULL;
    uint    Frequency;
    uint    NULL;


Sony’s generic ATRAC3 audio files


Generic Apple Core Audio Format used on iOS.